The Lotorp Method
This treatment mode is known as Thoracic Mobilisation and was created by the massage therapist
Janne Karlsson from Lotorp, Sweden. Hence the name "The Lotorp Method". The treatment is used
to help persons with respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease and
breathing problems due to allergies to perfumes and chemicals.
The patients that have been treated with the method are of both sexes and range between twenty
and seventy-five years. Many suffer from stress related symptoms as well as physical and mental
exhaustion. The group which is increasing most is however the group of persons with respiratory
problems, asthma, persistent cough and other respiratory ailments such as those resulting from
The number of patients with chronic obstructive lung disease is also increasing steadily.
Symptoms which these patients commonly complain of
Heavy breathing, difficulty in getting air.
The need to often take deep breaths.
Cough, cough with phlegm, frequent need to clear ones throat.
A sensation of tightness of breathing.
Chest pain.
"Unexplainable" symptoms which patients commonly complain of
"Pins and needles" in their fingers.
Irritation of the eyes.
Stomach problems, distended abdomen, wind.
Cold hands and feet.
Common triggers of these problems
Tobacco smoke.
Perfume and diverse chemicals.
Mental stress.
Physical activity.
These are only a few examples since the list is long...
How the massage therapist can help with these problems
The aim with thoracic mobilisation is to create a state of relaxation and increased flexibility of
the ribcage, thus promoting a more efficient and deeper breathing in the lungs. The massage
therapist does this by treating the muscles involved in breathing, for example the diaphragm and the
intercostal muscles. Of these Janne Karlsson believes that the intercostal muscles are of most
This external treatment influences breathing in a positive way. A very important part of a treatment
is when the massage therapist helps the patient to fully exhale and thereby fully empty the lungs of
old air containing much carbon dioxide. It is important to remember here that this might be
the first time in a very long time that these patients REALLY exhale and empty there lungs!
Another important part of a treatment is teaching the patient to exhale properly and instruct
them in exercises they can do at home between treatments. These exercises are designed to train
the patient in using the correct muscles at the correct times during a breathing sequence to get
a more efficient exhalation.
The positive effects of treatments is often very obvious and direct. Often patients notice a great
difference immediately, they are unbelievably relieved and happy and feel that the can breath
easier. They experience a sensation of heat and of "pins and needles" in lips, fingers and feet.
They often get flushed, a little dazed and dizzy. All of these are signs that they are very well
It is interesting to observe that the results of treatments stay in effect for about at least
fortyfive minutes. Long term follow-ups of results also point in a very positive direction.
Patient experiences
Our statistics so far shows that ALL patients treated with the Lotorp Method reports an improvement
in their general condition after treatments. A large portion report that their problems have
completely disappered and that they are now symptom free and do not need to use any medicines.
The more problems patients have the more pain they usually experience during their first
treatment. Stiffness (like that experienced after physical training) and tender muscles are
common side effects of treatments. Usually the treatments become less painful after each session.
It is worth mentioning that the Lotorp Method also alleviates problems with stomach catarrh
and frequent belching, problems to which patients with the above mentioned symptoms are often prone.